keeping the score - 33%

I am happy to report that these will be my last two trips to France. On the downside, since each trip involves 6 flights, that's 12 flights in 2 weeks. For those of you who don't get to experience business travel on a regular basis, I've decided to keep track of how the airlines do.

Of my first 3 flights, two were delayed. That's a 33% on-time rate, which is pretty bad by anyone's standards. One flight was delayed this morning because ComAir called a mechanic to fix something, and the guy wasn't in their computer system. This means they had to call a 2nd mechanic (one who was in their system) to sign off on the work done by the first one. My flight to Clermont-Ferrand was delayed but they're not telling us why. This too is operated by a regional carrier, this time flying for Air France.

As a result of today's experiences, I'm already pessimistic about getting home on time this Friday. On the flip side, the Frenchies can't seem to understand why I:

1) didn't want to fly out on Saturday so I could be there for some meetings they scheduled at 8AM Monday morning.
2) don't want to spend yet another weekend in the most boring town in France.

Having to choose between the hassle of an extra 6 flights versus spending another weekend in the most boring town in France and missing a big weekend at Keeneland that I've been planning for months, for me there's no contest there.


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