Fall in the Bluegrass

It's official. With the start of the fall racing season this weekend at Keeneland, fall has arrived in the Bluegrass. We had two beautiful days at the track with the Charles clan, and my brother in law Sam won a ridiculous amount of money. Sadly, my Sunday at the track was cut short for a 13 hour trip to France which turned into a 22 hour trip to France, but we'll get to the idiots at Delta airlines later.

The signs of fall had been coming for some time. In the Bluegrass, this means every town puts on its own fall festival. The tobacco barns fill with drying tobacco leaves. People are tailgating at UK games. Oh yes, and the Bluegrass hills turn to an even more attractive landscape than usual - Bob Ross would be jealous. I'm stuck at the Paris airport for the moment, but when I get more time, I'll explain about my exciting trip this week.


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