60/60 #38

30% - the percentage of Americans who Paul Ryan believes are "takers," the other 70% are "makers." Interesting that he disagrees with Romney on the low side of that number.  What's more interesting is that both of them firmly believe that at least 1/3 of our country is a bunch of freeloading losers. How does one arrive at this mentality? What could make someone so bitter? Here's the video, so you can see it in his own words.

Of course there are freeloaders in this country, so what? It's not 30%. There are freeloaders at work, freeloaders when you go out to dinner in a big group, but to suggest that 30%, basically 1/3 of the entire country are freeloaders?! Think of your family - which 30% of them are freeloading losers milking the welfare state?  What about your friends?  Think of your 9 best friends, and now pick which three are societal leeches.

These people are criticizing Obama for being "divisive" and failing to unite the country, yet they're dividing the country in to "job creators" and "the rest of the filthy peasants" before they even take office.  


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