60/60 #42

3 - the number of large groups you'd expect to support the Romney/Ryan ticket who are not doing so.

1) The state of Massachusetts - no former governor has ever lost the state where he was governor. If Mitt did such a bang up job "serving" the people of Massachusetts, why are they so firmly Obama? So much so that Mitt has abandoned all campaign efforts there? Sure, Massachusetts is a blue state, but the fact that Mitt won the governorship there is not irrelevant.

2) Wisconsin - the state where Paul Ryan is a Congressman is listed by almost every major media outlet as a "toss-up."

3) Salt Lake City - remember those Olympics that Romney so famously saved with his super powers, I mean business savvy?  They just endorsed Obama, because there are "too many Mitts."  He's shape-shifted so much since the man who saved the Olympics, they don't trust him.


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