Latest nonsense.

A few events over the last weeks and months have received little news attention but are noteworthy for anyone looking to truly evaluate these candidates.  Here are a few examples

Obama went around Congress to grant "amnesty" to certain children of illegal immigrants. Now, immigration is a whole mess, the Feds haven't done their job on it since Ellis island closed, but that's not my point here. My point is this - it's a classic example of a meaningless, temporary political gesture to get votes. It's stupid, because Obama already has the Hispanic vote.

Some other examples from Obama's side include his sudden "tough" stance on China - what the hell was he waiting for?  They've been a shady trading partner for at least 50 years, but he waits until a month before the debates to take a stand?  A stand that's probably a stupid idea anyway?  As long as we Americans demand to get anything and everything we need from Target or Wal-Mart for $20 or less, we need to stay friends with China.

Obama's administration also just now announced they're going to charge a bank (JP Morgan) with some of the responsibility for the mortgage-backed securities mess that contributed to the financial crisis.  Again, why wait 4 years? We all know who did it - show me the top 5 investment banks and I'll show you the top 5 shady securities dealers.

These are all shameless attempts to get votes.  Here's what's even worse - Romney is starting to co-opt some of Obama's stupid ideas. He promises not to revoke Obama's amnesty program. Romney agrees we need to be "tough" on China. Romney tossed in a gem of his own today, threatening to cap tax deductions at $17,000. Not only does the president NOT get to set tax policy, Romney will drop that idea well before the election, because if you tell millionaires and billionaires (a.k.a. Romney's base) that they can only deduct $17K per year, they'll have a champagne riot (or whatever they do).  Romney is simply trying to say "I don't mind taxing the rich" which we all know is not true.


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