September Morn

It's Tuesday, I got to enjoy a week at home, and now it's off to fly the friendly skies once again. At Delta, they love to fly, and it shows. Delta is one of a number of US air carriers who recently emerged from bankruptcy, and they're a little too quick to point out that "you're now flying on 'the new' Delta." It bears striking resemblance to the old Delta. Then again, when you have to get up at 4AM to fly anywhere, it can be a rough start to the day. The plan was to fly on Delta's 5079 from LEX to ATL this morning. One of the simple pleasures that I've come to enjoy is watching the sunrise on this particular flight. I always pick a window seat on the port side just so I can enjoy the show. You have to find simple things to enjoy when you travel this much, otherwise you'd go bonkers. This was the plan today, but the Delta agent at LEX told me that routing me through Cincinnati would provide a better opportunity for an upgrade, so I decided to take my chances there, and I'm writing this from the B terminal at CVG. I've also added a new feature to the Blog here that allows me to document what I'm listening to as I type.

Now playing: Cornelis Vreeswijk - Blues För Inga-Maj
via FoxyTunes

Fred Thompson enters the Presidential race officially later this week. I'm excited about this because he's a good actor, he's from Tennessee, and you'll always know where he stands. It frustrates me that so many people I speak with are focusing on some particular issue, rather than looking at the candidate's overall qualifications. I would think that if our adventures with "W" taught us anything, it's that intelligence, public speaking ability, and character (the ability to admit when you're wrong, for example) are some of the most important attributes to look for in a President.

Statistically, Americans don't care about gay marriage or abortion - why is so much attention focused on where the candidates stand on these issues? Only 30% of Americans say they'd like to overturn Roe v. Wade - the rest of us think the Supreme Court settled the matter just fine. Currently, 50% of Americans oppose gay marriage, which is down from 65% just 10 years ago. In 1948, 90% of Americans opposed interracial marriage.

My prediction at this point is that we'll see some combination of Obama/Edwards and Thompson/Romney on the ballot next fall. I'm being optimistic here, because I just really can't stand Hillary or Rudy. I have lost all confidence in McCain, not because he'd make a poor President, but simply because I think he is unelectable. He's old, he's being way too stubborn about the war. I think the showmanship that Thompson will bring to the Republican debates will finish off McCain once and for all. Bill Clinton proved that "talking the talk" is enough to get you into the White House even if you're not the best candidate.


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