
Here is a brief list of things I've observed lately.

1) There are still way to many people who wear socks with sandals, especially among the vacationing public. Get a clue people - they're sandals for a reason.

2) People in San Francisco do not seem as happy as you might expect them to be. Any given weekday, walking from PG&E's offices back to my hotel, I pass scores of unhappy people. Maybe they're just tired from a long work day. Maybe they're tired of the "rat race" in general.
3) The percentage of the California labor force that belongs to a union is 50% above the national average. This week the security guards were on strike for "justice" and "civil rights" according to their picket line signs. After reading their website I learned that they're pursuing justice and civil rights in the form of "paid vacation, paid bereavement leave, retirement pensions, and higher wages."

4) You could not pay me enough to be an airline flight attendant.

5) The New Orleans Saints have had only 8 winning seasons in the past 40 years - the worst record in the NFL.

6) Hillary Clinton takes campaign money from special interest groups. Barack Obama has committed to NOT accepting any donations from these organizations. Mr. Obama's position is that once you accept money from these groups, you might feel like you owe them something. Mrs. Clinton's stance is that she is strong willed enough that she can resist any such feelings of obligation.

7) While the Democratic candidates are talking about different approaches to immigration reform, the Republican candidates are offering plans about what kind and how many fences to build along our border with Mexico. This is why the Democrats will win more of the Hispanic vote. Immigration reform is a national issue that hits home as well - without immigrant labor, the zillion dollar horse farms around Lexington could not operate.
Now playing: Kermit Ruffins - If You Want Me to Stay
via FoxyTunes


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