A Logic Puzzle

Remember logic puzzles from elementary school? I loved those things. Here's a fun one that is, sadly, a work of non-fiction. Answer all 4 questions with well-reasoned, fact based arguments, and I will mail you a bottle of the Bourbon of your choice, up to $100 value. Seriously.

In 2012, Donnie said "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election, We should have a revolution in this country!," regarding early results from the Romney/Obama contest. He further called the electoral college a "disaster for Democracy."

Donnie ran for President himself in 2016. Just before the election, he said that, if he loses, the election is somehow rigged. He offers no evidence for why this is the case, or in what way he believes it's rigged, but promises NOT to accept the result if he suspects fraud. If he wins the election, Donnie says there is no fraud.

1) Explain how it is possible for an election to be fraudulent if one person wins, and totally legit if the other person wins, when a dozen national polls show nearly a dead heat for months leading up to the election.

In November 2016, Donnie won the electoral college but lost the popular vote (by 2,000,000 and counting). His opponent conceded the election. Several US states are considering a recount of votes; none of these has been requested by his opponent. Donnie now says that A) millions of votes were fraudulently cast and B) all of those fraudulent votes were cast for his opponent. Again, he has offered no evidence for either A or B. He has called his opponent a crybaby for agreeing to monitor the recounts. Also, Donnie now claims that "the electoral collage is actually genius."

2) Explain how it's possible for Donnie to preemptively whine about the outcome and promise to contest the result if he loses and then call his opponent a crybaby for merely participating in a recount (requested by a 3rd party) without being obscenely hypocritical?

3) If Donnie truly believes there are millions of fraudulent votes in Hillary's favor, why is he not supporting the recount efforts himself, as this is the exact scenario he threatened to contest if it lost him the election?

4) What has changed about the electoral college from 2012 to 2016 that has changed it from a "disaster for democracy" to "actually genius?"

Basically, I'm looking for some explanation other than "Donnie is a petulant ass." Thank you.


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