Thanks, Mitch

If you're mad about the fact that we just expanded health care to an extra 10% of the population, well, I feel sorry for you. The mere fact that the health insurance companies launched a $20 million ad campaign against this legislation means it's got some meat to it. A good, non-partisan review of the House bill is available here, including the fact that the Democrats included just one of the three main sticking points that the Republicans brought up at the much-hyped health care summit.

If you want to blame someone, blame Kentucky's own Senator Mitch McConnell. He's letting this thing pass for his own personal gain. This legislation provides the perfect campaign platform for the Republicans this fall. "Repeal Obama-care!" And if the Republicans regain a majority, then Mitch once again becomes king of the Senate. It's really that simple. He could have filibustered the legislation. He could have amended it so that it got some Republican votes. He did neither, just so he can say "look what the Democrats rammed down our throats."

Let's talk about that for a moment. Much has been made of the fact that the Democrats used "tricks" to get this thing passed. To be clear, they did nothing that hasn't been done before, by both parties. Get over it, step back for a moment and let's revisit why they were able to do this: It's because they have a simple majority, this is America, and a simple majority is all it takes. Why do they have a simple majority? Because the majority of this country voted for Democrats to represent them in Congress. There's nothing "sneaky" about that.


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