It's that time

Here we are - end of 2019 and people are already talking as if the 2020 election is next week. That's unfortunate. I hated the last election cycle before I knew the result, and this one is shaping up to be even worse. Kentucky has gubernatorial elections in off cycle years, so 2019 is a governor's race for us as well. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell are still my Senators - spectacular clowns but for different reasons.

Here's what I know.

  • Donald Trump still lies, every day. He's made 5276 false statements as president. Out of 1000 days in office, that's greater than 5 lies per day. Seriously. 
  • He typically does this via his preferred communications method, the tweet
  • His supporters not only don't care that he lies, they will defend his lies, attack others for calling out his lies, and suggest that his lies are warranted, even required, because he's the first president to ever face a critical press. This is spectacular.
  • Donald Trump has now spent over 300 days of his presidency on vacation at his own resorts. He promised not to play golf and not to have time for vacation. He makes money every time the secret service has to rent out 100 rooms at his hotels. If he was a Marriott Rewards member, he'd already be titanium elite for the number of room nights he's bought each year of his presidency. 
  • Trump literally employs his daughter, son-in-law, and son, as policy advisers. Some of them have failed FBI background checks yet still get access to classified briefings.
  • Trump's family has used Air Force One for business trips to work on real estate deals
I don't think Trump coordinated with the Rooskis in 2016. I never did. That implies a level of intelligence I've never assigned to the "business genius" who managed to bankrupt not just one, but FOUR casinos. That bears repeating. A casino, a business entity that literally robs people of their money (albeit freely), is a pretty well proven model. Trump had all four of his casinos fail. And someone thinks the Russians spotted this idiot and decided to "collude" with him? Give the Russians some credit. What they spotted was a puppet. 

This is not to overlook the shortcomings of the Democratic party. They're pathetic. Any moderate with a pulse can and should've beaten Trump in 2016. We shouldn't be here, but the Dems felt they "owed" Hillary the nomination, which is complete BS and family dynasties are why we left England a few years back. So they put the most polarizing rich liberal in America against Trump, a Democrat turned Republican, a pro-choice advocate turned pro-lifer, a man on his 3rd marriage and 4th casino bankruptcy, and they lost. They lost because Hillary was basically as arrogant as Trump, and blue collar America noticed. 

This week, the House formalized its impeachment inquiry by establishing formal rules for how it will proceeded. This is exactly what the GOP asked for, but they're still mad about it. So now we get to go through an impeachment cycle and an election cycle in the same year. It's a good year to live in a state that sells Bourbon, because the country is gonna need some! 


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