60 days, 60 stats - #3
Today's number is 262, that's the number of drone strikes in Pakistan that Obama has ordered. That's 5 times the number Bush ordered over his 8-years in office. Here's a map and a link to more details:
I'll leave it to the military experts and ethics wonks to debate whether drone strikes are moral or not. What I do know is that drone strikes work. In a New York Times article, a former Air Force officer turned philosopher says "all the evidence we have so far suggests that drones do better at both identifying the terrorist and avoiding collateral damage than anything else we have.” Sounds pretty good to me.
I think this is relevant because it says Obama is not a wuss, which is what the GOP would have us believe. I guarantee any detailed analysis of any Romney/Ryan budget will reveal that age old Republican stance of "we need to be spending more on defense." There have already been suggestions that Obama wants to cut defense spending, and that will make us less safe, a classic Republican fear tactic. Well I say any guy willing to order this many drone strikes and deal with the political fallout is no lightweight on defending our national interests.

I'll leave it to the military experts and ethics wonks to debate whether drone strikes are moral or not. What I do know is that drone strikes work. In a New York Times article, a former Air Force officer turned philosopher says "all the evidence we have so far suggests that drones do better at both identifying the terrorist and avoiding collateral damage than anything else we have.” Sounds pretty good to me.
I think this is relevant because it says Obama is not a wuss, which is what the GOP would have us believe. I guarantee any detailed analysis of any Romney/Ryan budget will reveal that age old Republican stance of "we need to be spending more on defense." There have already been suggestions that Obama wants to cut defense spending, and that will make us less safe, a classic Republican fear tactic. Well I say any guy willing to order this many drone strikes and deal with the political fallout is no lightweight on defending our national interests.