South Carolina

I'd like to take a quick review of South Carolina politics this year.

1) Republican Governor Mark Sanford hikes the Appalachian trail to Argentina, where he happened to run into his mistress.
2) Republican Senator Jim DeMint says “If we’re able to stop Obama on this [health care] it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” Nice.
3) Republican Congressman Joe Wilson calls the President a liar.
4) Republican Senator Lindsey Graham pulls an [Mythbuster] Adam Savage in describing the President's speech to Congress this week, going for the "I reject your reality and substitute my own" approach. Graham hit the press with repeated claims that Obama was "combative" and showed "little sign of compromise." Really?

If anyone reading this is a resident of South Carolina, could you please see that the Palmetto state puts some brighter people in office? Otherwise, we may need to take away your electoral votes. Thanks.


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