Quick Notes

1) Today, Ford finalized the deal to sell both Jaguar and Land Rover to India's Tata Motors. The irony of an Indian company owning these two icons of British industry amuses me. Heck, H.R.H. queen Elizabeth II was Queen of India when she ascended to the throne in 1953.
2) I bought a new roof this week. It cost over twice as much as my new big screen, and it's not nearly as entertaining to watch. My crazy realtor wife though seems to think that a functioning roof is an important feature of a home. Whatever.
3) I learned that I might as well skip the Kentucky primary elections. I wanted to change my party affiliation to "other" but because Kentucky has closed primaries, that wouldn't do my any good. Right now I'm registered as a Republican, and the deadline to switch to Democrat and still vote in the primaries was December 31st of last year. Oops. So I can show up and vote for John McCain. Whoop dee do.
4) Leave it to the students at Butler University to put Indianapolis in the news. This week a student at Butler asked Chelsea Clinton if she thought her mother's credibility was hurt at all during the Lewinsky scandal. Chelsea was campaigning for her mother in the Circle City. Chelsea responded with "I don't think that's any of your business." Well, Chelsea, if you're going to help mom campaign for the presidency, expect some tough, rude questions. Of course Hillary's credibility was hurt when she pulled that "stand by your man" act. You can't call yourself an independent, strong woman and then stand by your man when he's messing around with interns (and others). Look at the signal she's sending to women across America - if your husband sleeps around on you and you leave him because of it, that makes you a quitter. As long as the Butler student was being rude, what he should have asked was "does it bother you that your dad is a philanderer?" At least ask her a question we don't already know the answer to.
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