Ahh, Turkey

It appears that I've worked my way straight through the end of October and into November. While the travel is still a royal pain, it sure beats flying coach class to France for (literally) weeks on end. I was reminded of this recently when I learned that the French transit workers are on strike yet again. You may recall they went on strike this exact same time last year, leaving me stranded at Charles De Gaulle airport. "C'est un grieve." If you find yourself traveling through France, you can't figure out why your plane/train is canceled, and you hear those words, you may wish to consider extending your vacation in, say, whatever town you happen to be standing in at that moment. Some transit worker has just informed you that there is a strike going on, and you couldn't leave town if you wanted to, except perhaps on a bicycle. Vive la France!

San Francisco is truly a dream compared with most other towns, really. Just ask my wife, who came out to visit me recently. I was able to show Ella around the fog city, and I think it's safe to say she had a good time. A day trip to wine country was especially nice, since the vineyards are all decked out in fall colors. Our trip focused on the southern end of the Napa valley, from the town of Rutherford south. The highlight was a trip to Artesa vineyards. The wines are outstanding, it's run by a Spanish family that has made wine since the 1500s, and a visit to the place is worth it just to tour their grounds, which include a sculpture gallery and art exhibitions. No kidding.

In other news, I am now officially one of those guys I used to make fun of at the airport - a Platinum Medallion. In case you're unfamiliar, this is Delta's way of recognizing that I've spent more time than I care to on their planes this year - over 75,000 miles flown, to be precise. Yippie. Now I get to but in front of other people in the check in and security lines at the airport - there's a great way to make friends. Don't get me wrong, I'll take it. I just don't view it as an "accomplishment."

I'm officially on vacation this week, which is great. We're heading up to the mountains of western NC tomorrow to visit my "new" parents (in-laws is such an ugly term). I know Ella and I have been married over a year now, but I still like this idea that my family has grown. Plus I'm an only child and I got a brother and a sister out of this gig. Dennis and Diana will no doubt be cooking up a storm all weekend because, well, they love to do it and they're great cooks. One of many ways you can tell that they like me is that they've made sure to incorporate some Hoosier traditions into the meal just to make me feel at home - things like green bean casserole and corn. Man I love corn. Should be a fun time.


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