Why I won't vote for Mitch McConnell next time

The Senate today looked at the American Dream Act. Sure it's a dumb title, but the concept is one I think most people can get behind. There are a lot of illegal immigrants here in the US. In Kentucky, we call them the backbone of our horse and agriculture economy, or at least we should, because that's what they are. I don't care how they got here, I don't think they're a national security threat, and based on my understanding of the Dream Act, I'm considering the idea that we ought to look at "illegal" immigrants in a different light. The Dream Act offers the children of illegal immigrants a fast track to citizenship if they

a) go to college OR
b) serve in our military

They'd still have to pass a background check, but that's about it. Can someone tell me why this is not a good idea? We're talking about children age 15 or younger when their parents brought them here "illegally" - why punish them for their parents coming here "illegally?" Why not encourage them to become productive members of our society?

Senator Mitch McConnell sees things differently

Good thinking Mitch. Let's build a big wall while we're at it. Legal immigrants have made great contributions to our society, but illegals haven't done jack, right? Wrong.

This is why the Republicans will lose again in 2008 - they've still got people like Senator McConnell who can't see the reality of what's going on in our country today, and what's truly important to the average American.


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