Go Mitt

I read this morning that Mitt Romney is polling well in Iowa and I couldn't be happier. I saw an interview with him last week and he continues to impress. I'll be the first to admit that I had written him off as un-electable, but I'd really like to be proven wrong on that point. I still don't know who is my favorite these days, but if the republicans don't at least pony up a decent candidate, I fear that Hillary may walk away with this thing, which means I'll need to move to Canada.

So what makes a decent candidate for the republicans? Let's start with the basics - competence and eloquence. He'll need to be a family values candidate to pull in the 20% of our country that falls into the wack-job bible beater category. I can't stand 'em pushing their agenda on the rest of us, but one thing that's for certain is that they show up at the polls on election day. I also think the republican candidate needs to run on a reform platform, moving us back to smaller, common sense government and fiscal responsibility. You don't veto health care for kids giving cost as your reason and then ask for $46 billion in extra funding for Vietnam. Ideally he can avoid taking a stance on issues like abortion and gay marriage that do not belong in government. I think I'm being optimistic again there too though.


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