See Fred Run

Or maybe I should say "I'd love to see Fred run." The two-term Tennessee Senator and accomplished actor pulled out of "Law & Order" today and recently announced he is exploring the possibility of a presidential run for 2008. This would be the best thing that happened to the GOP since Reagan, and in my mind the best thing that could happen to the 2008 race as a whole. Thompson has a strong conservative record. This is not to say I agree with everything he says, but rather AT LEAST YOU'LL KNOW WHERE HE STANDS ON THE ISSUES. What a refreshing change of pace that would be. My own theory is that, with a clear conservative in the running, it opens the window for a clear liberal to oppose him on the other end of the spectrum. Ideally, this would pull all the candidates away from the center, which is more crowded than a keg party in a college dorm room. Of course I'm probably being too optimistic here, but a guy can hope, right?