
Showing posts from 2024

An interesting debate

 I wasn't sure what to expect from the "presidential" debate. Gotta put "presidential" in quotes because Trump definitely didn't act that way. It was definitely entertaining though, and informative. Kamala got about 20% more specific on some of her policy proposals, which is needed. I think some of her critics are holding out for more details, but at the same time Trump is miles behind her in terms of offering specifics. When asked about his plan to replace Obamacare, he freely admitted that he has none, just "concepts of a plan." For a guy who ran on replacing it in 2016, that's "sad!"  Trump took a curious line of attack several times in the debate: "you've had three years, why haven't you accomplished [thing] in that time?!" There's all kinds of flawed logic and hypocrisy in that: Harris has been VP for 3 years, one of the weakest positions in any democracy. It's not the VP's responsibility to deliver

Here we go

 I'm back. I miss blogging as a creative outlet, it's an exciting election cycle, and I got enough of a nudge from a friend to dust off the blog, so here goes.  Donald Trump is a felon, a liar, a narcissist, and generally a bad person. His supporters know this and they don't care. They can justify and minimize all of those things in an attempt to rationalize supporting him. For some of his supporters, it's a single issue - guns, abortion, affirmative action, still being mad that Obama ever got elected in the first place and seeking vengeance, whatever. But I think most of Trump's supporters are actually not single issue voters. I think most of his supporters today find a 2nd Trump presidency attractive for the same reasons they found the 1st one appealing: they're mad. There are any number of things in their lives that are not going as they'd hoped, they are struggling to live the middle class life they had hoped for, they're doing all the things their