Trump Card
As painful as it is to watch all of the non-substantive coverage in this election cycle, I'm still doing it. I figure someone has to, because I know so many friends and family and colleagues who have, understandably, tuned out at this point. I get it. But I want you to know, I am making the sacrifice to see this debacle through to the finish.

For the record, I gave up on talking sense to the Trump fans long ago. The people who are still supporting him at this point fall into one of two categories. They are either truly ignorant lemmings who are following a pied piper because they don't know any better, or they are smart enough to know that he is a racist, sexist, bigoted ego maniac and that doesn't bother them. Either way, they're a lost cause.
What does concern me is election day logistics. This November, half the states have new voting laws on the books. Many require new or different forms of ID. Many of these laws blatantly target black voters (not because they're black, your racist friends will tell you, but really just because black people happen to vote for Democrats), as the North Carolina legislature thoughtfully documented for us in its e-mails before writing such laws. "Can we get a breakdown, by race, of which voters don't have drivers licenses?" Yep, totally trying to target voter fraud with that one.
We also have Donald Trump saying repeatedly that the election is rigged if he loses, but totally legit if he wins. Even his own supporters can't explain this one. He's also called for his supporters to go to the polls as "observers." This is easily the most dangerous part of his campaign, well, next to the part where he might win and get access to our nuclear weapons. Statistically, we have no voter fraud in this country. George W. Bush had his Justice Department investigate it for years, desperately hoping to find evidence that blacks and Hispanics are cheating at the ballot box. There is none. Even Faux News agrees. So there is no need for amateur "observers" to be at polling places. These people will be there to intimidate, make no mistake about it. That's illegal, but they'll do it anyway.
All this talk of rigged elections, the new voter ID laws, the ludicrous notion that Trump's "observers" can somehow validate the election result by watching people vote, is scary stuff. Combine that with ass hat's like Kentucky's governor who are calling for revolution and saying that conservatives may need to shed some blood to survive a Clinton Presidency. Yes, he actually said that. If you don't think ultra conservative wackos are mad enough to take up arms, you're wrong.
These people are angry enough to come out of their prepper bunkers and rally together sufficiently to make Donald Trump an actual nominee for the Republican party. That's no small feat, because most reasonable Republicans know Trump is an ass and a snake oil salesman. And we know the die hard Trumpies are well armed, these are the people who like to wear machine guns to their rallies. These are the idiots who believed the NRA when it told them that Obama had a secret plan to take their guns in 2008. Then when that didn't happen they believed the NRA when it said he had a double super secret plan to do it in 2012. And they will absolutely believe the NRA this time when it says that Obama's triple super secret plan was to stall for time until Hillary could get elected and take their guns. These people are not rational, they are paranoid. They don't understand why America is different today than it was on the Andy Griffith show.
For the record, I gave up on talking sense to the Trump fans long ago. The people who are still supporting him at this point fall into one of two categories. They are either truly ignorant lemmings who are following a pied piper because they don't know any better, or they are smart enough to know that he is a racist, sexist, bigoted ego maniac and that doesn't bother them. Either way, they're a lost cause.
What does concern me is election day logistics. This November, half the states have new voting laws on the books. Many require new or different forms of ID. Many of these laws blatantly target black voters (not because they're black, your racist friends will tell you, but really just because black people happen to vote for Democrats), as the North Carolina legislature thoughtfully documented for us in its e-mails before writing such laws. "Can we get a breakdown, by race, of which voters don't have drivers licenses?" Yep, totally trying to target voter fraud with that one.
We also have Donald Trump saying repeatedly that the election is rigged if he loses, but totally legit if he wins. Even his own supporters can't explain this one. He's also called for his supporters to go to the polls as "observers." This is easily the most dangerous part of his campaign, well, next to the part where he might win and get access to our nuclear weapons. Statistically, we have no voter fraud in this country. George W. Bush had his Justice Department investigate it for years, desperately hoping to find evidence that blacks and Hispanics are cheating at the ballot box. There is none. Even Faux News agrees. So there is no need for amateur "observers" to be at polling places. These people will be there to intimidate, make no mistake about it. That's illegal, but they'll do it anyway.
All this talk of rigged elections, the new voter ID laws, the ludicrous notion that Trump's "observers" can somehow validate the election result by watching people vote, is scary stuff. Combine that with ass hat's like Kentucky's governor who are calling for revolution and saying that conservatives may need to shed some blood to survive a Clinton Presidency. Yes, he actually said that. If you don't think ultra conservative wackos are mad enough to take up arms, you're wrong.
These people are angry enough to come out of their prepper bunkers and rally together sufficiently to make Donald Trump an actual nominee for the Republican party. That's no small feat, because most reasonable Republicans know Trump is an ass and a snake oil salesman. And we know the die hard Trumpies are well armed, these are the people who like to wear machine guns to their rallies. These are the idiots who believed the NRA when it told them that Obama had a secret plan to take their guns in 2008. Then when that didn't happen they believed the NRA when it said he had a double super secret plan to do it in 2012. And they will absolutely believe the NRA this time when it says that Obama's triple super secret plan was to stall for time until Hillary could get elected and take their guns. These people are not rational, they are paranoid. They don't understand why America is different today than it was on the Andy Griffith show.
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