Negative Inventory

That's the nifty airline term I learned today.

Me: Hello - I'd like to find out where I am on the standby list for this flight?
Delta Lady: You're first on the list, but right now we are in a negative inventory situation on that flight.
Me: I'm sorry?
Delta Lady: That just means that we have more people with confirmed seats on that flight than the total number of seats on the plane
Me: Oh. So it's oversold.
Delta Lady: You could say that.

She went on to explain that they were oversold by 6 people. In order for me to hop on an earlier flight home, I simply needed 7 people who had already checked in for the flight to vanish. I called "Condi" Rice and inquired about the possibility of a mid-airport rendition, but she told me she and Cheney were busy this afternoon frying ants with a magnifying glass. Bummer.

It was a long weekend, but a good one. We took a buddy to Miami this weekend for his bachelor party. Most of us had never been to Miami, and overall we were impressed. You wouldn't want to live there, but the night life truly is wild. Also, everything entertainment-related seems to cost about 10 times more than it should. The weather and the beach are spectacular. As an added bonus, I got to catch up with an old high school buddy who is now a co-worker. We pretty much picked things up right where we left off, which was cool.

I discovered some great rums, saw some fabulous cars, smoked some cigars, and picked up a cool set of flip flops.


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