Growing old
I know it seems a bit silly for a 30 year old to be talking about growing old, but I am, and I've been reminded of this be several recent events. First, I attended the 30th birthday of a good friend here in Lexington, which reminded me that I've already celebrated my 30th. Second, we're making plans for Mardi Gras next year where we will celebrate another friend's 30th and for a cruise that will take place during Ella's 30th. Tonight I was watching Cream perform "In a White Room" during a 2005 concert at the Royal Albert hall and I was thinking "why are all the rockers that I like so old?" It looked like some kind of geriatric hoe-down on stage. Neil Young, Willie Nelson, BB King, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan - these guys are all older than dirt. I was waiting for Clapton to ask "where's my apple sauce?"

I offered my cousin some grape Nehi and Everclear today for the anniversary of her 29th birthday (I won't say which anniversary) and her immediate response was "oh I think I'm too old for that stuff." Maybe she's right, but I was still a little disappointed. I've got 4 parents now and they're all eligible for the senior discount on Wednesdays at the grocery store. I'm basing my choice of airline for my upcoming trip to Amsterdam on who has the widest, most comfortable seats because 8 hours is a long flight you know. I guess I'm just feeling old.
On the up-side, I met the Steve Beshear, the governor of the Commonwealth today and he's way older than I am. Nice guy, very Kentucky, but clearly older than I am. He was in Lexington to brag about getting funding passed through the legislature to properly fund the public employees' pension for Kentucky.
Sounds like common sense, but none of the governors before him did it, so I guess it was about time.
On the down-side, I received a citation today from the city government, telling me that I have 30 days to repair the fence in my back yard. This is a fence I didn't even realize that I own when I bought the home. My fault. If you're buying a home, get a property survey. It could save you some hassle.

I offered my cousin some grape Nehi and Everclear today for the anniversary of her 29th birthday (I won't say which anniversary) and her immediate response was "oh I think I'm too old for that stuff." Maybe she's right, but I was still a little disappointed. I've got 4 parents now and they're all eligible for the senior discount on Wednesdays at the grocery store. I'm basing my choice of airline for my upcoming trip to Amsterdam on who has the widest, most comfortable seats because 8 hours is a long flight you know. I guess I'm just feeling old.
On the up-side, I met the Steve Beshear, the governor of the Commonwealth today and he's way older than I am. Nice guy, very Kentucky, but clearly older than I am. He was in Lexington to brag about getting funding passed through the legislature to properly fund the public employees' pension for Kentucky.

On the down-side, I received a citation today from the city government, telling me that I have 30 days to repair the fence in my back yard. This is a fence I didn't even realize that I own when I bought the home. My fault. If you're buying a home, get a property survey. It could save you some hassle.
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