The days are just packed

I got a new computer. Actually, EDS has leased a new computer which I get to use, but whatever. It's a Dell D430 and it's easily the nicest laptop I've ever had. It's an ultra-light which is great for taking on business trips, and it's screaming fast. Now if only it were an apple instead of a Windows machine...

My best friend Joe is buying a house. The details are not finalized, but it'll most likely be a town home on the northeast side of Indianapolis. I couldn't be happier for the guy.

I'm going to Amsterdam. Apparently we do a lot of work for ABN AMRO - a big Dutch bank. It's a 8-9 week project and I'm really looking forward to it. This week they banned smoking in the Netherlands with the exception of marijuana. Seriously. Hopefully I'll get to fly over there on KLM - a proper airline. I get to fly over there business class too. EDS may be one of the last companies that still allows its employees to fly business class on international business trips, so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Funny though - my travel authorization (as with the rest of the team) had to be approved by five (increasingly senior) managers above me. The guy who ultimately approved it reports directly to the CEO.

I know a place to get moonshine. I went to yet another party here in town where someone showed up with a couple mason jars full of moonshine. Impressive. This probably happens at about half the parties we go to around here. When I asked about how he got the stuff, the story got even better. He drove out to Morehead (about an hour east of Lexington) where he knows about "a certain tree" where you take a couple jars and leave $10/jar. No kidding. A quick survey of others at the party turned up TWO MORE people who know about similar stashes east and northeast of Lexington. My adopted home state continues to impress.

I'm so happy that Hillary is not going to be out next President that I stopped harrassing my friends with "W - The President" stickers on their cars for a whole week. Sure, I voted for the idiot too, but I'm not going to advertise that on my bumper. I was sad to see Romney leave the race - I'd love to see him and Edwards come back in as running mates. I'm not holding my breath.


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