Nothing New Here

As January comes to a close, it's still much the same routine each week for me. Do laundry and pack Sunday night. Monday morning wake up at 4:45AM to get frisked by the TSA and then deal with ComAir, the worst regional airline in the business. Delta has been upgrading me to first class the past few weeks though, so that makes the 4 hours from Cincinnati to San Francisco a bit more tolerable. Three nights in San Francisco, then fly home on Thursday. Three day weekends with Ella and our friends, then repeat.

Ella is having a stellar start to the year, with 3 or 4 real estate deals in the works. I am happy to report that she is no longer president of the Parrothead club, although I myself have picked up the presidency for our neighborhood association. Apparently showing up to two consecutive meetings qualifies me for that position.

We're wrapping up our work at PG&E, which is a good thing because I'm pretty much done flying to California every week. Our projects normally aren't this long, so I'll be looking forward to a shorter one that's closer to home. No next project in the works at this point, so looks like I might have a few weeks off.

I continue to follow politics with increased trepidation these days. If Hillary and Barack keep up the spitting contest, it'll really hurt the Democrats. I did take note that Caroline Kennedy gave Barack a glowing endorsement this past week, going so far as to say that he would be "a president like my father." I still think John Edwards is a decent candidate, but I think he's clearly the weakest of the three leading dems. I am thrilled to see Giulliani falling in the polls, I'm unclear why McCain is doing so well, and Mitt Romney made me feel good this week by proving that there are guys out there who are whiter than I am.

While staying in San Francisco I have moved from the union square area down to fisherman's wharf (a.k.a. tourist trap central). I wanted a change of pace, plus the rest of the guys are staying out there which makes it easier to go out for dinner and such. Ella and I have trips coming up to San Diego, St. John, and New Orleans, so I'm very much looking forward to those. We're going to head down for JazzFest, which is one of the things I really miss about the Crescent City. Ella wasn't sure about it until she learned that Jimmy Buffett is playing down there on her birthday. I'm so excited.

Also, has anyone seen Osama? How about those weapons of mass destruction? I work with a guy who swears that Iraq did have them, and in fact they simple moved them out of the country while we weren't looking. This man also has a concealed carry permit, and a 2008 calendar featuring photographs of George and Laura. Remember, he gets a vote just like the rest of us.


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