
Main Entry: per·se·cute
Pronunciation: 'p&r-si-"kyüt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cut·ed; -cut·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French persecuter, back-formation from persecuteur persecutor, from Late Latin persecutor, from persequi to persecute, from Latin, to pursue, from per- through + sequi to follow -- more at SUE
1 : to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
synonym see WRONG

This is the word that the NAACP used today to describe how Michael Vick is being treated after abused and dead dogs were found at his house, and he plead guilty to running a dog fighting operation. Isn't it awful how the media has so ruthlessly publicized his crimes? The NAACP also believe it would be unfair for him to lose his NFL career over this matter - AS IF HE IS ENTITLED TO A CAREER IN THE NFL?!?!?! I mean, just because he makes a zillion dollars and enjoys being in the spotlight; just because millions of young fans look up to him as a role model, by no means should he be held to a higher standard. In fact, I think the authorities were out to get him in this case specifically because he was black. If it was a white zillion dollar quarterback who was caught dog fighting, surely the public would've reacted completely differently. Yep, this is definitely a race issue we've got on our hands here, so I'm glad the NAACP is involved. Now if only we could coax Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to voice their concerns as well, maybe we could set things right. They're pretty bashful about public speaking when it comes to non-issues like this, so I'm not sure we'll be able to convince them to spend 5 minutes each in the spotlight here to further solidify their irrelevance...

Michael Vick is guilty, he's a jerk for what he did, he deserves to be punished according to the law. If the NFL (a private, for-profit organization) sees fit to kick him out for whatever reason, more power to them. I think it would be a wise thing for them to do, and I could care less if his skin was purple.


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