
Showing posts from July, 2012

My take on the "financial cliff"

There's an issue looming on the horizon, one that I have not seen good coverage for in the "mainstream" media, whoever they are these days.  In the next 5 months, Congress faces some tremendous challenges around funding the government and balancing the budget, all within the context of a Presidential election and an economy that is just barely recovering from a recession.  This will not end well, and it will absolutely have a direct impact on all of us.  This is why I can't explain the lack of good news coverage on it. A brief bit of history is needed here to understand how we got into this current mess.  Basically we've been in debt since the Revolutionary war, we've always tried to tax our way out of it, and that's never worked. It started with the 1789 "temporary" alcohol tax that we're still paying today. New revenue gets spent on new government "stuff," and NOT on paying down the debt. As this has been going on for over 200 y