
Showing posts from May, 2009

Negative Inventory

That's the nifty airline term I learned today. Me: Hello - I'd like to find out where I am on the standby list for this flight? Delta Lady: You're first on the list, but right now we are in a negative inventory situation on that flight. Me: I'm sorry? Delta Lady: That just means that we have more people with confirmed seats on that flight than the total number of seats on the plane Me: Oh. So it's oversold. Delta Lady: You could say that. She went on to explain that they were oversold by 6 people. In order for me to hop on an earlier flight home, I simply needed 7 people who had already checked in for the flight to vanish. I called "Condi" Rice and inquired about the possibility of a mid-airport rendition, but she told me she and Cheney were busy this afternoon frying ants with a magnifying glass. Bummer. It was a long weekend, but a good one. We took a buddy to Miami this weekend for his bachelor party. Most of us had never been to Miami, and