
Showing posts from June, 2009

A victory for common sense

The Supreme Court today decided that you're not allowed to use race as the grounds for promoting people. A bunch of firefighters in Connecticut took a test. The white guys (and the Hispanic) did better than the blacks. So the city threw out the test results and promoted the blacks. The white guys and the Hispanic took the city to court for discrimination, and today, they got a favorable verdict from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Squawk squawk...

Ah yes, there's still nothing like the sound of pre-recorded predator birds squawking at 4:45AM. After the "double bird strike" of that plane that landed in the Hudson river though, I guess I should quit complaining that Bluegrass Airport is attempting to scare off as many birds as possible. We don't exactly have a convenient river to ditch in if we hit a couple birds on take-off. This also means of course that I'm on the road again. This time it's off to Danbury, CT for a "reunion" project with the guys I worked with in Sweden a few years back. I'm also hoping that Danbury in June is warmer than Sweden in February, but I think that's a safe bet. Speaking of bets, the Kentucky State Senate is receiving a bill today that just passed our House of Representatives; a bill that would allow video gaming machines at horse tracks. This is one of those things that still amazes me - that Kentucky can't pass a gambling bill. It's no secr...