Spring in the Bluegrass

Spring has once again arrived here in the Bluegrass region, but only according to the calendars. The picture here shows the scene outside our home last weekend, which was opening weekend at Keeneland race course. Boy those horses were cold, as were us fans. Being the good gamblers we are though, we braved the elements and made a decent showing at the track. I must say I'm looking forward to our trip to New Orleans even more at this point. John & Lisa's wedding will be quite an event, I have no doubt. I have the honor of organizing the bachelor party, and I can guarantee it will be an evening to remember. On the downside of life, John McCain has fallen out of favor (in my book, anyway) now that he has removed all doubt as to where he stands on the (undeclared) war in Iraq. He stands squarely in the coat pocket of our IIC - idiot in chief. This is disappointing. He's fallen behind Giuliani in the polls, which is even worse. Now I have to cheer for Edwards who ha...